Welcome back to This Week in Internet Marketing! We have some great, informative articles for you this week including: Google Adds Shopping Campaigns To AdWords Scripts; NEWS FEED: Facebook Places More Emphasis on Why Users Reject Ads; INFOGRAPHIC: 18 Steps for Facebook Contests; Comedy in Content Marketing: To Be Memorable, Make ‘Em Laugh; and Bing Ads Enhances Geo-Targeting for Increased Relevancy.
Google Adds Shopping Campaigns To AdWords Scripts
Google recently announced that AdWords Scripts now supports Shopping Campaigns. AdWords Scripts first launched two years ago and was designed to let advertisers use external inventory data to change bids, pause or unpause keywords, output account statistics to a spreadsheet, and use those statistics to change group ad bids and keywords. “The current release allows you to work with existing shopping campaigns, create and manage product partitions and run shopping reports,” says Anash Oommen from the AdWords Scripts team. An entire feature guide to this new addition is available here.
NEWS FEED: Facebook Places More Emphasis on Why Users Reject Ads
Facebook has repeatedly stressed that its mission is to provide the most relevant ads possible on users News Feeds and has recently announced the steps it is taking in order to realize this mission. When users indicate that they do not want to see a specific ad, Facebook will not take into account their reasons and use this information to decide whether or not to serve these ads to other users. More weight will be given to feedback from users who infrequently reject ads.
INFOGRAPHIC: 18 Steps for Facebook Contests
With the holiday season approaching, it is prime season for brands to begin running contests on Facebook. Facebook application creator ShortStack has shared 18 great tips for building social media contests in this convenient infographic. If you want to improve the performance of your contests this holiday season, you should take a look.
Comedy in Content Marketing: To Be Memorable, Make ‘Em Laugh
A great way to create unforgettable content is to make your readers laugh. Laughter will not only increase shares and improve the shelf life of your content but make your content and brand stick in the minds of your readers. In the B2B industry, bloggers often have to try harder to make dry content more interesting. Comedy can be the best way to achieve this for just about any business.
Bing Ads Enhances Geo-Targeting for Increased Relevancy
Bing is releasing an enhanced location targeting system which will include several new, important updates to help advertisers refine and define geo-targeting for PPC. It will feature increased relevancies and the hyper-local targeting more common on mobile devices. "The increase in mobile volume has made hyper-local targeting more relevant from user intent and location accuracy point of view," commented Piyush Naik, senior program manager at Microsoft. "Location accuracy is also greater on mobile due to more precise device location signals such as GPS being available, when users choose to share that." There are several new location targeting options that advertisers can choose from including radius targeting, ZIP code targeting, Intent-Only targeting, and new geo-location reports.
Additional informative articles:
Google May Hide Your Second Line Of Ad Text On Mobile Search
Facebook Tests Self-Destructing Posts
Making every character count in your mobile search ads