This Week In Internet Marketing – Jan 25, 2010

This Week In Internet Marketing – Jan 25, 2010

As we enter the final week of the opening month of the new decade this week's theme is going to be about education through video.  Meaning there is a few great videos to watch in this blog! 

There is a lot going on this week for our readers so lets get this started!

TechWyse Highlights

Remember Effective Marketing Is Not About How Much You Spend

It’s about being able to measure how much you make from your marketing spend.  We still find that the general public is unaware of the ability to measure not only online marketing initiatives but also anything done offline.  If you are a client of ours or someone that wants to know exactly how much they get from a particular on or offline marketing campaign do not forget that you can employ an analytics expert to effectively measure and report to you.  Why spend money blindly when you can measure? Jon covers a small snippet of how powerful this can be with his article about tracking the effectiveness of the Yellow Pages.

 Realizing The Traffic Building Services Available To Your Company

The second thing we seem to be pointing many of our clients to is the fact that once you understand how effective your online dollar is being spent, why not begin exploring the different ways to bring relevant traffic to your website?  There are enormous opportunities available in various pay per click systems and also many content networks.  Not to mention the value of improving organic growth through social media.  The point is – if you are employing a company to measure campaigns and you have a solid understanding then why not keep them busy testing out the various opportunities that are out there by spending budget is different areas. Testing educates everyone on what bring in the best ROI.

Internet Marketing News For The Week

Getting The Latest News By Using Social Media

We wrote an article in the latter part of 2009 explaining the business benefit to employing social media strategies.  This article in particular explains how social media is making the news industry less dependent on few organizations.  Since companies and people around the world now have the ability to connect by building ‘followers’ or ‘lists’, this gives business the ability to get your marketing and news message into the mind of interested people.  If you aren’t doing it – one of your competitors will.  Here is a nice article showing the considerable growth of social media sites like Twitter and Facebook in just one year.

Google State Of The Index Video

Want to know what Google has done to improve search over the last year?  Here is a wonderful display by Matt Cutts showing the PubCon conference wrap up plus the slides that were used during the presentation. Some of the topics covered include Google Social Search, Google Gadgets, Wonder Wheel, & Caffeine.  Watch the video below!



Google Releases an ‘SEO for Beginners’ Guide

Although the video below is from early in 2009 Google wrote a nice blog last week explaining the basics of SEO.  We think that anyone interested in search engine optimization should start here for the basic knowledge needed to improve your website rankings.  The SEO beginner guide article alone is a nice start.  The video below is much more in depth so make sure you have 100 minutes to spare to get into it!  We also posted a few blogs earlier last year educating the public in SEO.  One SEO article was pointed towards more technical folks like web developers, while the other explored a summary of the Google SEO Guide.



Other Internet Marketing News Stories

Google Expands Mobile Advertising Options

Remember my comments earlier in this post? Here is yet another area that you can explore advertising your company with.  Mobile advertising on iPhones!


Google Makes 2 Enhancements To Search Page

We love these 2 enhancements. Why?  Because they once again improve the search experience.


Yahoo! Making Small Strides In Paid Search

Yahoo! has made it easier to get started by allowing you to import Google Adwords campaigns directly.  We still wish they were doing more though.


Unlike Yahoo! - Bing Doing All Sorts Of Cool Things

On the other hand, we highly recommend anyone interested in exploring the effort being put in by Bing to read their blog.  They are doing a great deal of ‘out of the box’ thinking.  It won’t be long before they overtake Yahoo!

We hope you have learned something here!  As usual the internet marketing world is filled with lots of information to help your business grow!

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