Inside the SEO Industry

13 Industry experts reveal their seo secrets

SEO is a constantly changing game. From keyword density to Meta tags, we’ve seen an abundance of optimization tactics both gain and lose their importance in the past few years alone. With so much evolution in the industry, how do you know which areas of SEO are going to be worth your time? TechWyse spoke with 13 industry experts to hear their thoughts on evergreen content, the world of social, on-page tactics and the future of SEO. Check out what the best Internet marketers have to say about smart optimization and lasting online efforts by downloading our free eBook!

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About the Author
Christy Kunjumon

I have over four years of Internet Marketing experience. I prefer to focus on Analytics, CRO, SMM, Local SEO and Link Earning. Search has become more localized and personalized over time and this is exciting to me. Companies who are able to capitalize on these changes will eventually emerge on top.

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