September ‘Rise To The Top’ Wrap Up

September ‘Rise To The Top’ Wrap Up

Fall is here, the kids are back in school, and we are in the midst of a booming 4th quarter in the internet marketing world. September was a very busy month at TechWyse. So busy, in fact, that it has taken me until half way through this month to finalize our ‘September Wrap Up’.2007-10-15_164409.png

  • TechWyse is still growing! – As part of our growth mandate, we are very proud to announce our latest additions to the internet marketing and web development team. In the month of September, TechWyse successfully welcomed 14 new members to the team. Our busiest month yet!
    • 1 Website Analytics Manager
    • 1 Project Coordinator
    • 7 Web Designers
    • 3 PHP Programmers
    • 1 .NET Programmer
    • 1 Content Writer


  • New tools are on their way! – We have been very busy in our pursuit to architect and develop the most innovative tools possible for our community. In the coming month we will be launching our Lead Management tool (already in BETA). In the next 60 days we will have our new ‘TechWyse Reporting Engine’ which will help you monetize your online marketing campaigns more effectively.
  • New Launches! - We were very excited to roll out some of our latest website development pieces in September –

Stay tuned for lots of continued excitement from our team in the coming season and remember that (for our retail based clients) Christmas isn’t that far away! Yikes!

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  • avatar

    Wow, this was a busy month indeed! I’m curios how many people are behind the company today? Over 100? You were really business oriented back then and it’s only natural that you would have a lot more employees today.
    I wonder why you aren’t also going after bigger businesses. Is it more profitable to stay with the local, small to medium ones? I think you could play along with the big guys because you seem quite organized and on top of your game.

  • avatar

    The structure of can show that things are going on behind the scene. I suspect that today, TechWyse is bigger than how it is described in your post, DJ.
    This being, it seems to me that your website is targeting two main audiences. One of these audiences may be made of local businesses. The second target group may be composed of internet marketers.
    I am saying this because some of your launches are related to local businesses. However, the content in the blog section of makes me think that internet marketers are also being targeted.

    • avatar
      Vanessa Copeland 


      @Tinkoun You are completely correct! Our main target focus is SMB (small to medium businesses) all across North America and industry professionals worldwide!

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