7 Ways Content Marketers Can Beat Writer’s Block

7 Ways Content Marketers Can Beat Writer’s Block

For the past couple of years, we haven’t been able to escape the phrase “Content is King”. This phrase conveys the demand that content marketers face when it comes to the quality and quantity of blogs, articles, and press releases.
7 Ways Content Marketers Can Beat Writer’s Block

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So what happens when these content marketers are struck with a bought of writer’s block? Unlike freelancers or fiction writers, the challenge of the average content marketer is unique in that they can’t take off to a yoga class before returning to their work three days later. There are deadlines to meet and plenty of capable writers willing to meet them if you can’t. Well, how do you go about shaking off writer’s block when you’re confined to the four walls of your office? It’s not easy, but here are seven tips that may give you inspiration.

1. Do the groundwork the night before

Wherever possible, I try and make sure I find ideas and research for content the afternoon or evening before I plan to write it. There are two benefits to this. One, it gives me something productive, yet not writing based, to do towards the end of the day. Secondly, I find it much easier to get in the swing of writing something when an idea has already been fleshed out. This way, I try and get as much done as possible in advance, which can include the overall topic, research, statistics, and even the title. This prior research will help fuel tomorrow’s words.

2. Seek quotes from authoritative individuals

Reaching out to contacts (or non-contacts if you’re feeling ambitious), who are authoritative in the particular area you are writing on, not only adds weight to your argument and exposure for your contact, but it gives you a starting point. An unusual fact or opinion on your topic can spark all kinds of ideas that were previously buried and provide you with a fresh new angle for your piece. It may also widen you up to a larger audience.

3. Get everything else out of the way

Everyone is different, but personally, I find that the only way I can fully concentrate on what I’m writing- and therefore, produce the most creative work- is by making sure I’ve got all my small niggling tasks out the way first. If my mind is full of emails I need to reply to, I will never be able to devote myself completely to the piece.

4. Shut down your emails

Not for the whole day because such a luxury may not go down well with clients and colleagues after all. However, I find closing my email inbox for the first 20 or 30 minutes allows to focus with minimal distractions. Similarly, I always try and get my most challenging piece written at the start of the day, before everyone else gets into the office.

5. Write with a pen and paper

It might be a unique recommendation coming from the CEO of a digital marketing agency, but stepping away from the computer and use paper and pen can definitely help me to loosen up. Writing on paper encourages you to be less precious with your writing, as well as adopt a more natural tone. When you’re typing up your content, you can treat it as the editing phase.

6. Break the routine

Admittedly difficult in an office environment, but anything you can do to break the monotony will be worth it. Write for a different client, sit at another desk, and even try something new for lunch. If you get an official lunch break, try and make sure you get outside for a brief moment. Fresh air and a change of scenery works wonders when you’re faced with a blank page.

7. Edit your colleagues’ work

If all else fails and you really can’t shift the block, offer to edit your colleagues’ writing for the afternoon. You’ll still be doing something productive (whilst earning yourself a future favour) and it may spark up new ideas for your own content.

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  • avatar

    What a wonderful topic of discussion because this surely is something most bloggers go through – writers block 🙂
    I liked the ways you shared here, and while I do follow most of them when I get blank sometimes, I really believe that if you enjoy blogging and it becomes your passion with time, you have less of these blocks. I guess those who put up daily posts or every alternate days might be facing this problem.
    The key according to me lies in the fact that you should write when you are focused in your work. I don’t think your mind would turn blank then, or you wouldn’t know what to write. But I guess it differs from person to person too.
    Speaking of myself, I guess being a professional freelance writer and blogger – my work is to write! And I write a lot, whether it’s my blog posts, project work, or even replying to the comments on my blog (which are mini posts in themselves!) – all of that is writing. I never really get into such blocks, or perhaps my mind is always floating around with creative ideas that are just waiting to be penned down. However, when these is work pressure and pending projects etc., and when there’s stress all around – I do experience writers block, though it’s rare.
    Thanks for sharing these ways with us.

  • avatar

    A great list of ideas to get rid of writer’s block. When I am struggling with writer’s block I will do the second suggestion, with a quick search online to find a leader in the industry. Often there is a quote or change he/she has made in the company that I can find an interesting angle on. This is usually my first strategy when dealing with the inability to come up with an interesting topic.
    I also use the brainstorm technique with pen and paper. After all these years with technology, I still grab a plain piece of paper and put the main idea in the middle, and add every topic centered around the main idea. I think I learned that in third grade, but I still use it today.

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