How to Become the Cristiano Ronaldo of Guest Blogging

How to Become the Cristiano Ronaldo of Guest Blogging

Every website owner wants their site to be on the top of the list.  To acquire top rank in Google, the site must be well optimized.  One way of doing it is by collecting as many backlinks as possible from various sites to improve the backlink profile of the desired website.  To get these backlinks worked out, the ideal method is by guest blogging.

What is Guest Blogging?

Guest Blogging, as the name suggests, is basically the practice of getting your articles published in other blogs, more specifically, in existing authoritative and trusted blogs in your niche.  Yes, they need to be authoritative and trusted sites.

Guest blogging is also a great way to establish yourself as a blogger, which helps to maintain a relationship with great bloggers around the globe.  More than being just a promotional strategy, it can be used as a way to educate the audience and provide insight into a topic.

Why Is Guest Blogging Important?

What happens in Guest Blogging is that you get your articles published on some other website, with a couple of links to pages on your own site.  Now, this will serve one or more of the following purposes:

  • Authority And Exposure

When a trusted and authoritative site publishes your article, it will reach a large number of people.  This, in turn, will help you build your authority as an expert in a particular niche and get you and your site more exposure.

  • Backlinks

Blogging can help your site get backlinks from a trusted site.  Search engines will realize that when they crawl and the relevancy of your site will increase because a trusted site has acknowledged you.  This will help in improving your rankings.

  • Traffic

You will get traffic directed to your website from the site which publishes your Guest Blog.

Guest posting is used as a part of link building, it brings a lot of advantages such as quality traffic, building domain authority and influence, building brand awareness, etc.

Main Goals of guest blogging are:

      • Reach out with the blog to a completely new audience
      • Make yourself as a "thought leader" in your field
      • Create a relationship with other bloggers

Ultimate Benefits of Guest Blogging

1.High-Quality Traffic

When you contribute to other sites with your blogs you can pique the audience’s interest.  If the quality of your post is good, then you can expect traffic to start flowing to your site once it goes live.

2. Get More Exposure on Social Media

We know that social media is ruling the 21st century and if your content can get more social media shares, it can increase your online reach rapidly.  The more shares your branded content gets, the more shareworthy it’ll be in the eyes of the audience.

3. Getting Quality Leads

As an internet marketer, your main aim must be email subscribers.  Getting good email subscribers can help you make good relations with your readers.  Guest blogging will help you get email subscribers from other blogs.  So if you can write quality posts as guest posts on a good blog, it will attract readers to your blog from the author bio of your guest post.

4. Increase Your Authority

Guest blogging can increase your authority as it shows you are worthy of writing for others.  You’ll be noted when someone finds you across various websites outside your own.  They will understand the fact that you know what you are writing on, otherwise no one will allow you to blog for them.

Guidelines to Become a Successful Guest Blogger

  • Do Proper Research

Do research on the topic on which you will be writing your blog.  First, study the website you would like to publish on.  Observe the format of the posts they publish including the style, tone, and layout of each post.  Every site has its own style, so it’s better to adopt the style and formatting of your target site.  You must focus on your material and find out about the titles used on each site and which ones have done very well in terms of shares and comments.  Also, look for editorial guidelines.  Most sites that accept guest posts generally have these somewhere on the site.  Examine them carefully and note the submission process, the formatting guidelines and other requirements.  Once you have done your research, you’re good to go.

  • Build a Relationship

Once you find the website where you want to write a guest blog, you should think about building a good relationship. Guest blogging is a demanding industry and it is very important you build trust with the site owner.

To build a relationship with the site owner, you must start following them on social media, interact and share some posts.  Send emails and share your thoughts with them so that they get to know you more and approach you.

  • Plan Your Posts Properly

After you have built a healthy relationship with the site owner, the next step is how you plan the post you are going to publish.  Planning involves choosing ideal topics for your guest posting to target the relevant audiences.

Your topics must be relevant to the site.  The best way of finding those winning topics is by using content explorer tools.  Find out trending topics, research more on them and try to create your posts on it.

  • Send an Attention-Grabbing Pitch

As you acquire a topic to write on, you will be asked to send a detailed plan to your site owner.  As you write your pitch, always keep it short and on point to what the topic is and abide by the details mentioned on the site.  Your pitch must comprise all the relevant details and have an attention-grabbing headline to make it look more interesting.

Tell them why you think their readers would benefit from the posts.  Share links of your previous blogs so the owner can examine your writing style and see if it fits the style of their blog.

  • Write a Great Article

Once your ideas are accepted, it’s time you write a high-quality original article.  Before you start, go to their site and understand the style of their articles and write accordingly, some may like a lot of complexity whereas some would like to keep it simple.  Keep your paragraphs on point and short.

Adding visual elements like images, infographics or videos helps break the text in easy to read chunks.  Fit in a few questions at the end of your article that will trigger a conversation and entice readers to leave a few comments on the post.

  • Alter Your Post to Blog Style

Different bloggers have different styles of writing their blog, but when it comes to guest blogging you must stick to the style of the blogs where you will post.  You must alter and tailor your content to the style of the blog.  If the blog does not have a fixed submission guideline, read some of the blogs and understand its style and present your post likewise.

  • The Bio You Give Must be Very Attractive

This is the part where you are portraying yourself to your readers and it makes it one of the most important parts of your guest post.  When you are creating your bio you can attach various backlinks of your site to escalate its traffic which is the basic goal of making a guest blog.  So this must be done with all your creative skills and ensure that you provide the backlinks of your website to the right keyword.

Include your bio at the end of the post, with your name, company name and social media links and any more information you feel is relevant.  Do proper grammar and spelling check before submission.

  • Share on Social Media

After your post is live the next major step is sharing it on social media as it is important you promote it as you would your personal website.  Use similar strategies to drive traffic to the post.  Link to it from your site also, if required.

The most vital thing is driving traffic to the website. Once you are successful at doing it, the owner will notice it and will be impressed and will most likely send you more requests and give you more opportunities in the future to write more guest blogs to their site.

  • Readers Interaction is Important to Keep the Post Lively

Even though it is not your site, it doesn't mean you shouldn't interact with your readers.  It’s essential you reply to every single comment and provide them with useful information to keep the discussions going.  It is a great way to get to know your readers and identify trends and can answer them with a follow-up post, which will be another chance to write a post on the site.


Guest blogging will definitely help you establish connections with industry influencers and can give you a tag as an expert in the field.  Getting to publish your posts on a high authority blog can direct many visitors to your website.  There are many SEO agencies, like TechWyse, who accept  guest blogs.  Becoming a successful guest blogger may seem tough, but these guidelines can help you become a high-quality guest blogger.

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