The Internet killed the TV star.
Let’s face it, companies are catching on to the paradigm shift. The Internet is proving to be a critical component in their marketing initiatives -- thus, at times, companies solely depend on their online strategies to sustain, grow and build positive relationships with their customers on a micro or macro level. Companies realize that pushing a product on customers just does not work anymore.
For decades, small, medium or large businesses have used traditional media to execute their marketing strategy with two common objectives: to gain brand recognition or drive leads through their doors. Some would spend hundreds, thousands or even millions of dollars with the hopes that the data collected via their marketing research simply carved out enough information to steer them in the right target market direction.
Listen to your customers! It’s really important to listen and interact with your customers online. Build a co-creative strategy to psychologically understand your customers and their process to buying products and services. Ask them questions of what they think because they have a voice and can be advocates or influencers of your brand(s) or product(s). Failing to ask current or potential customers their opinion will hurt your business. It’s simple, understand what makes them tick because they are having conversations about your brand!
People are searching for products and services online, and if you are not there when they are ready to buy, or to answer their questions, then you’re missing the boat. There's been a shift in consumer behaviour. Customers are empowered by the many options available to them. They can gather information within seconds and see what others are saying about your company before making a buying decision. Again, shoppers realize their voice is important and can make or break your online brand reputation.
Unlike traditional advertising, tracking and measuring your ad campaigns is more effective than ever. Online analytics measuring software can help marketers and business owners make better business decisions, which ultimately impacts their return on investment. Let’s take Adluge -- TechWyse's proprietary analytics software -- for example. Adluge provides metrics on how well your online advertising campaigns are performing. From the source of visitors, the number of people that saw your ad or clicked on it, the device used (whether mobile or desktop), and how many leads or conversations received as a result of the campaign performance.
Online advertising accounts for a fraction of the cost that you would pay for traditional advertising. Not many small or medium size businesses have the type of budget to consistently advertise aggressively on radio, TV, billboard or print. However, what a company would pay in a month for traditional media can work out to be the same for a twelve month online advertising campaign. And, in many cases, earn better results.
The proof is in the metrics and it doesn’t lie.
Of course, big brands still couple traditional advertising with online strategies -- but they realize that if they ignore their online presence, the competition will take a big chunk of their market share. Staying in a positive light and being ethical and consistent with the brand will take businesses a far way online -- but don’t forget to listen to your customers. Learn and understand their mindset in order to speak their language and grow long lasting relationships. This is the key to a successful online presence.