October 26 :: Week In Review
Here are some of the highlights us folks from TechWyse have noted as important enough to highlight from the past week in the Internet Marketing world.
- Google forms an agreement with Twitter to begin displaying real-time results in the Google index. Lending further validation to the rise of real-time search in the online world. Want to attract attention to your website? Now there is even greater reason to be Tweeting and updating your Facebook status. More relevant updates mean more website traffic!
- If the above post is of interest to you here is a fantastic article outlining much of the potential growth in social search and details about the recent release of Google Caffeine.
- Google refined the 'look and feel' of their Google Maps in what they are calling the biggest visual change to the tool since launched almost 5 years ago. Our own opinion? Very subtle changes but all are well done and add that little bit more detail. A natural evolution.
- We made the official announcement on Friday. TechWyse is proud to announce that we are the newest member of the Yahoo Web Analytics Consulting Network. This accreditation gives us the ability to help those using Yahoo! Analytics and also recommend use for relevant companies that may not be getting what they need from Google Analytics.
- For business wondering what place Flash plays in the online world today, DJ wrote a great article explaining that while Flash based sites may be passe, Flash can be used to draw attention to key website elements.
- The eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit took place in Washington DC Oct 19-23 and from all accounts was a very informative conference! You can learn more about the conference here and also learn how Google was involved by visiting here.
If you have anything else to contribute be sure to include it in the comments below!
What about Yahoo’s announcement on ceasing their paid inclusion program at the end of this year.
Search engines have been listing websites for no cost, which is the way it should be. So no surprise on Yahoo’s decision, it is a timely one.