Online Referral Campaigns for Digital Brand Marketing


Referrals are the best way to increase your potential customers, this is the well known fact among marketers and business owners. Many marketers overlook the importance of referral programs and those who are working on referral programs often face difficulty in making them to work. We assure you that making a good referral strategy is not rocket science and any one can do it with the help of this guide.

It does not matter if you are following a referral program or not, you may already getting new customers from the word to mouth marketing. In this article we will be sharing all the information we used for brands with we worked including Pro flat iron, a website that reviews top flat iron, hair dryers, and other hair styling products and works on referral for monetization. In hair/beauty niche, you may pour tons of traffic by running giveaways of hair styling tools, beauty gadgets, etc. on social media. You can build yourself a gold mine by taking benefit from referral marketing. When customers came in as a referral, most of the hard work is already done in convincing them to buy from you.

A happy customer had already provided credibility and sense of trust for you which help you make a sale. A sensible brand or marketers always focus on referrals. Webmarketing 123 - Digital Branding guide is here to solve your doubts and help you devise a perfect referral program. Here are some marketing campaigns that will help you increase referrals for your business.

Provide Great Customer Experience

Make sure that customers have good shopping experience when they interact with your business. Good experience makes them talk and others start noticing your business that leads to referrals. You don’t need to break the bank to provide extra care for your customers. Here are few ways to take extra care of your customers to fulfill their needs.

  • First thing you do is to be nice, handling your customer with sincerity can do wonders for your business.
  • Offering some extra always works. Freebies and discounts always help to make referrals for your business.
  • You can also send friendly reminders of your latest freebies and discount offers via emails or text messages.

Improve Customer Support

It is important to listen to your customers problems and solve them. That is why customer service plays a major role in making satisfied customers which leads to more referrals. Here are some tips to improve your customer support.

Responsive Customer Care: You have to be responsive and don’t let customer’s questions and comments unanswered for too long. You have to be aware of your customers concerns in order to provide effective support. Show flexibility and a little sympathy so the customers will be more understanding when there is any issue.

Sincerity: In order to make your customers happy, be sincere when you are listening to their issues. A light tone and sincere response will make a perfect support experience. It is essential to find balance, you must be helpful and respectful to your customers.

Consistency: Make sure to provide equal attention to each customer to set a respectable standard in customer interaction. Best way to do it is to introduce a customer support ticketing system.

Digital Brand Marketing

Build Relationships

It is essential to build relationship with your customers because people refer people not the business. This is important especially when you are dealing with customers on one on one basis. You make your customer experience memorable by doing a good job in listening to them and making them feel comfortable.

In big brands you can make this happen through digital marketing initiatives. You can send them personalized email to show them that you know and care about their interests. Being transparent will help you show your customers what goes behind the scenes and help them see who you really are.

Personalize Your Interaction

Clever brand these days make their customer experience more personalized. They make their goal to know about their customers interests and remember their previous interactions through digital records. This will help them send well timed promotion or remind them about something important. This method will show them that you care.

If you have a record of your customer’s previous purchases, you can easily recommend them similar products via sms or email. Personalizing is the more effective way to engage customer that is likely to refer your business to their family, friends and colleagues.

Ask Customers to Refer

Referrals often happen naturally but it can be difficult for people to remember their experience after they leave your shop or business website. That is why you should never hesitate to ask for a referral. The best time to ask for a referral is when customer is about to purchase because this is the happiest time for them. Sensible way for e-commerce stores is to ask them on thank you or recipient slips. To encourage your customers you can also offer freebies or discounts with each referral.

Show Your Appreciation

Naturally everyone wants to be appreciated but it is important to appreciate those who send customers your way. The people who refer you will not only help you grow but also give compliment to your business. It is important to acknowledge their effort when someone refers you. By doing so it will help you connect with your target market, that will naturally increase the amount of referrals you get.

Make a Perfect Referral Program

It is important to have a referral program for your business to capture target market. There are many suggestions and solutions available to help you create a perfect referral program. A wisely devised referral program will also help you in distributing rewards. You can take full advantage of word to mouth marketing if you add incentive in your referral program.


It doesn’t matter what your business is, referrals should be an essential part of your marketing campaign. Recommendations are the sure way to get good business and boost your credibility. We hope that with the help of Webmarketing123 Digital Branding, you should be able to come up with a practical and profitable referral marketing strategy, which helps you make happy customers and keeps new ones coming in.

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