A lot has been happening in the world this week both on and offline. NHL teams are battling it out in the Stanley Cup Playoffs and the baseball season is in full swing. On top of that the earth decided to make a big statement up in Iceland. In case you haven't been following the internet marketing world in between hockey periods (if you’re a Canadian), here's a look at what's been going on.
Internet Marketing News
Measuring The Impact Of Heat Maps On Landing Page Conversion
We’ve been putting a lot of focus into heat map technology and effects on website conversion. This technology allows us to optimize pages based on the estimated eye movements of your visitors. This process is very compelling and we would be lying if we said it wasn’t a little bit fun too!
Google Continues Education on the Future of Display Advertising
If you want to understand where display advertising is going in the future I really recommend that you read this. In the third part of this article Google looks at how better data will help marketers better understand the advertising landscape.
Growth of Facebook Continues In Social Media
I really enjoyed the article outlining the market share of various social media websites. If you didn’t hear earlier this year Facebook became the number one most visited website in the world. Facebook is even getting more site visitors now than Google.
Measure The Quality Of Your Forms With Google Analytics
Ok – so this may be a little technical for the layman, but I wanted to ‘nerd it up’ anyway. This is a wonderful article found on the Google Analytics blog which explains how you can measure the effectiveness of your online forms through Google Analytics! Whoa!
Defining Your Audience To Improve SEO Results
This article shared on the Yahoo! blog helps explain the importance of keyword selection and understanding your audience when defining the targets for your organic search engine optimization campaigns. I very short but effective read!
Yahoo! CEO Carol Bartz Makes FORTUNE
Yahoo! CEO Carol Bartz has been named one of America’s top female CEOs by FORTUNE magazine’s editors. Not only is she making waves with the new switch over to incorporating Bing as Yahoo’s primary search engine, but she’s also prepping to make some other changes down the road. We look forward to see what will come from Yahoo! over the next 18 months.
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