Wow what a week! The TechWyse staff spent time presenting and learning at Search Engine Strategies while Google was working on big plans of their own! So, without too much adieu, let’s get right into it.
This Week In Internet Marketing
Google Caffeine Comes Out To Play
It’s official, Google has rolled out Caffeine, their new search indexing system. Caffeine was built to give visitors 50% fresher results and is the largest collection of content they’ve ever offered. The new system has been built to update itself faster and more frequently to ensure that your search results are not only relevant, but timely as well. Be sure to read the official blog post for even more juicy information. This is big, very big!
How To Be A Super SEO
Yahoo! made some fantastic points in their SEO post last week. I particularly like the focus on quality of visitors rather than quantity. It’s great to have a million visitors each month but if they aren’t converting then it’s not worth much to you. They also touched on the power of real-time search and social media. This is becoming much more powerful these days, particularly now that Caffeine is out.
How CEO’s Are Using Social Media For Real Results
When I saw the headline I hoped to find a long article filled with tons of information on harnessing the power of social media. I wasn't disappointed! This is a must read and I hope that you’ll do what I did and read it over twice just to make sure you didn’t miss anything! There is so much content here that it is difficult to sum it all up in one little paragraph so I’ll keep this one right to the point. Read it, enjoy it, use it.
How To Engage Visitors In Your eCommerce Website
Smashing Magazine put of a great post about customer involvement and eCommerce websites. The focus here is primarily on customer rating and reviews (good and bad) and the point is a good one. Having customer review systems not only makes the website more interactive, but it adds a strong element of credibility to the buying process. A good read here folks!
More Internet Marketing News
Here is a look at a few other good bits of reading this week.
Google Music Store Could Launch This Summer
Chris ! Software engineers at Google are consistently brainstorming to make the best search engine even better with the advent of Google's new search indexing system Caffeine. Freshness being the key, users can prevail the most relevent & benificial search result than the old outdated information creeping to the Top in the search results.
Wishing to hear more about Caffeine Soon 🙂