February is almost upon us and hopefully we are starting to get into the winter rush. So now that we’ve settled into 2011, why not take aim at changing gears to ramp up for the coming year? Well that’s exactly what we plan to accomplish in this week’s Rise to the Top Blog as we focus on:
- The advantages of thinking local for non-retail businesses
- Google’s Groupon competitor Google Offers
- 8 Reasons why 2011 may be the year of mobile e-commerce
- A new and growing demographic “the digital dad”
- Facebook Deal going live in Europe
Internet Marketing News 2011 01 31
Four Reasons for Non-Retail Businesses to Think Local
In 2010 internet marketing swayed from its global connectivity beginnings and set in its scope on the advent of local business. To say 2010 was the year of localization in internet marketing could be considered a drastic understatement. The wave started fast and hard with retail business owners rushing to jump on board localized search solutions with tools such as Google Places, HotPot and Groupon. But what of business devoid of retail outlets? Can local solutions help you too?
Say Hello to Google Offers
Despite being the quintessential search engine of the day, Google has branched out beyond its web crawling roots in the last couple of years. In their latest diversifying efforts Google has introduced Google Offers. With the popularity of ‘Groupon’ exploding in the last year Google brings fourth its answer to the deal sharing juggernaut. Find out how Google Offers can transform your business with local deals and enticing local advertising opportunities.
8 Reasons Why 2011 Will Be The Year of Mobile e-commerce
2011 is poised to see consumers reach for their phones and not their wallets when making purchases. Are the wallets days numbered? Why not consider the prospect of carrying one less item in your pocket as this article explains. But what does this mean for your business? How can you be sure you will be ready to implement the latest and greatest e-commerce tools? Contact us today to find out...
The “Digital Dad” A New Demographic Your Business Should Be Aware Of
They’re engaged, tech savvy and have money to spend; for some reason your business is completely unaware of their existence. Great article from Yahoo! that characterizes the demographic of the “digital dad”. With the emergence of changing socio-economic factors the “digital dad” is changing the face of business and the home. Call TechWyse today for information about targeting specific demographics in the modern economy.
Facebook Deals Goes Live In Europe and Canada
Facebook’s answer to Groupon officially launches in Europe and Canada today as the online fight for consumer discounts is officially underway! Managing your Facebook and Social Media campaigns in these whirlwind times means much more than simply inputting information and adding a couple of pictures. TechWyse’s Social Media Angel program offers options for your businesses social media campaigns. In this era, it is imperative for business owners to acknowledge, Social Media has progressed far passed a youth communication outlet. If you’re not in the Social Media game you could be losing out on invaluable benefits for your business both tangible and intangible.