This Week in Internet Marketing 2012 03 05

This Week in Internet Marketing 2012 03 05

March has arrived and it’s brought a tidal wave of new developments with it. Last week we saw how using negative keywords can help you spend your PPC budget wisely; Facebook timeline coming to brand pages; Google’s new Privacy Policy goes into effect; the Panda algorithm 3.3 roll out; and taking advantage of seasonal opportunities with your search marketing.

This Week in Internet Marketing 2012 03 05

Why a Professional Pay Per Click Manager Saves You Money

This Week in Internet Marketing 2012 03 05This article by the pros at SEOmoz highlights the importance of using negative keywords. Negative keywords filter irrelevant searches. The absence of negative keywords can lead to wasted clicks and impressions. Take the example of someone searching for the movie “Moving Malcolm,” the entire page is flooded with ads for moving companies. A tremendous waste of spend.

Facebook Timeline is Coming to Brand Pages

Facebook timeline will be mandatory for brand pages as of March 30th 2012. If you’re doing social with us, do not despair, we will be in contact with you about a strategy to get your timeline up and running. What you need to know: custom Facebook tabs will work, but they won’t be able be defaulted. All users will land on your timeline. Arrows that point to like buttons will no longer point to the like button, unless we redesign the page. Your cover photo is an amazing opportunity to greet visitors! The new layout brings a ton of new features, all of which are covered in the article. Let’s speak about this new opportunity soon.

Google’s New Privacy Policy Takes Effect

With Google’s new privacy policy the search giant will now take share data about your activity with all of its various web entities. Let’s say for example you’ve watched an SEOmoz Whiteboard Friday video on YouTube, then a few weeks later when you search Google for SEO; your search results may include videos from SEOmoz. Google wants to know what you like, what you’re writing about (in Gmail and G+) and where you’re going (in G+ and calendar, among others).

Google Panda 3.3 on its Way – Affects Links, Local Search Rankings and More

Yet another algorithm update has been released by Google. Google states that the “launch refreshes data in the Panda system, making it more accurate and more sensitive to recent changes on the web.” Local search will also be affected in that there is now a “new system to find results from a user’s city more reliably.” As SEM professionals, we’ve seen many updates over the years and this is just another change that keeps us all on our toes.

Optimizing Seasonal Opportunities with Search Engine Marketing

Optimizing Seasonal Opportunities with Search Engine MarketingStaying on top of seasonal trends can boost your search marketing efforts. It’s important to mark events on a calendar and write fine-tuned copy and bid on some strategic keywords to increase your traffic and bring in more leads. It’s also important to determine which holidays are important to your business and whether or not they fall on a weekday or weekend. These are all factors we take into consideration when we plan out your PPC campaign.

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