Welcome back to This Week in Internet Marketing! We have some interesting news this week including: Twitter Makes Like Instagram; Stand Out: Ways to Connect with a Top Influencer; Keeping your Twitter account safe; Google: Local Searches Lead 50% of Mobile Users to Visit Stores [Study]; Facebook Among More Than 100 Internet Companies Urging FCC To Maintain Network Neutrality; and Blog Posts Published on Weekends Get More Social Shares [Study].
Twitter Makes Like Instagram
As Twitter's stock price drops, they are diverging from their text focus and pinning their hopes on image-sharing, the new darling of the social media world. Lately they have been sending email blasts urging users to "share their best photos on Twitter."
Stand Out: Ways to Connect with a Top Influencer
One of the best ways to get recognized in social media circles is to connect and interact with industry leaders. By building relationships, sharing content, following influencers in your niche, commenting and tagging you too can make a real connection, all it takes is persistence.
Keeping your Twitter account safe
Twitter has recently added some improvements in order to improve account security: A streamlined password reset experience and better identification and blocking of suspicious logins.
Google: Local Searches Lead 50% of Mobile Users to Visit Stores [Study]
A recent study has shown that searches with local intent ofetn lead to store visits and sales within the day. 50% of mobile users are most likely to visit after performing a local search compared to only 34% of consumers on tablets and computers.
Facebook Among More Than 100 Internet Companies Urging FCC To Maintain Network Neutrality
Net neutrality is a growing concern. On May 15th, the FCC intends to authorize Internet service providers to charge extra for a faster tier of Internet. Facebook is among over 100 companies which have joined together to pressure the FCC to reconsider their plans.
Blog Posts Published on Weekends Get More Social Shares [Study]
Bloggers have long wondered when they should post and share their content in order to get the best social engagement. A new study has demonstrated that 87% of the posts analysed were posted Monday-Friday and only 6.3% were posted on Saturday. However, the posts on Saturday received far most shares for a total of 18%.
Additional Interesting Articles:
The Mega Collection of SEO Expert Advice: Best of the Reddit SEO AMAs
Google Acquires Restaurant Info Service Appetas
Matt Cutts Says Yes, Links Will Inevitably Lose Value Over Time
What declining reach, rising click fraud, & skyrocketing prices mean for Facebook advertisers
Marketers Failing Badly on Mobile-Specific Landing Pages, PPC Ad Copy [Report]
Google Now Combines Online Shopping With Location-Based Purchasing