This Week: Instagram, Content Marketing, Mobile Advertising, and More!

This Week In Internet Marketing

Happy Tuesday!

Part of running a business means staying up to date with all the latest industry news and marketing trends, so you can stand out from the crowd.

This week, we’ve collected 5 articles to provide you with important updates - so you can take your business to the top!

Instagram Adds New Data Analytics to Provide More Performance Insight for Marketers 

If your brand or business is on Instagram and you’re not using the ‘Insights’ feature then you’re missing out! This helpful tool can provide you with a gold mine of information, as it tracks engagements, impressions, profile visits, website taps, top-performing posts, etc.

Instagram is looking to add some new elements to this feature which will be of great help to marketers. The new metrics being added are the following: Accounts engaged, Engaged audience, and Reached audience. These will provide more in-depth data by including top cities, top countries, top age ranges and gender, and the top posting time (based on engagements received). Overall it will provide more insight into who is specifically seeing and interacting with your content, allowing you to pivot your strategy accordingly. Interested in learning more about the update? Click above!

Top 10 Business Benefits Of Content Marketing

If you’ve been wondering where to start with content marketing, or whether it’s even worth it; then this article will highlight the many reasons and benefits it can have for your business.

Content marketing can improve organic search authority and visibility, increase organic and referral traffic, more social engagement, provide targeted content during the consumer journey, get you conversion rates, increase long-term savings, etc. By including multi-format and evergreen content into your strategy you can improve your overall strategy, leads, and retention rates. Learn more about how content marketing can benefit your business by clicking the article above.

Mobile Advertising: Get Insights to Target the Right Audience 

These days, consumers spend more time than ever on their mobile devices. Businesses and marketers that are hoping to expand their horizons and reach new audiences need to pay attention to the power of mobile advertising. There are many different types of ads such as mobile web ads, in-app ads, native ads, banner ads, etc.

These ads can reach consumers at an integral part of their consumer journeys and be tailored to specific products (through remarketing tactics) that will help guide them further down the funnel. However, it’s important to note that users search differently on mobile than they do on desktop. Mobile searches tend to have more purchase intent behind them, while desktop searches are used more to conduct research. Keep on top of the competition with Mobile ads, click above to learn more!

3 Ways to Boost Digital Engagement With Better Accessibility Solutions

Everyone should have equal access and experiences on websites and apps, but that doesn’t mean everyone does. As marketers are learning more about audiences and engagement styles, the topic of accessibility is becoming more and more prevalent.

Digital Accessibility means designing websites, tools, and online technology in a way that everyone (including those with disabilities) can use as easily as possible. This article by Ad Week covers 3 ways to boost your digital engagement and be as inclusive as possible. Click to read more!

5 Ways to Repurpose Your Content for New Marketing Opportunities

If you’ve been stuck in a creative rut or are short on content ideas, then repurposing your content may be the solution to your problems! Re-purposing content means taking content you currently have such as blogs, infographics, videos, etc., and creating new posts or using small snippets from it. Not sure which content to repurpose? Consider your best performers, the context in which you’re reposting, and what your audience likes.

This article covers five different ways you can repurpose content including a social media carousel, a video to audio writing loop, resuing internal documents, turning data sets into infographics, and curating via emails. Using these tips and tricks when you’re stuck will help move your content marketing strategy along. Interested in learning more? Click the article above.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it! This week we took a look at 5 helpful and interesting updates from the world of internet marketing that will hopefully help you out or inspire you in different ways.

To do a quick review, first, we reviewed Instagram’s newest addition to their performance insights feature for marketers. We then moved on to explore the top 10 business benefits of content marketing.

Next, we learned about the power of mobile marketing ads, and how they can be used to move consumers further down the funnel. We followed this with three ways to boost digital marketing accessibility. Lastly, we dove into the world of repurposing your content with five helpful tips and tricks for when you’re stuck.

Any questions, comments, or concerns? We’d love to hear your feedback. As always, we’ll be back next week with 5 new articles for you. In the meantime, if you’re looking to learn more please check out our existing blogs that cover a range of digital marketing topics!

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