This Week In Internet Marketing 2017 01 17

This Week In Internet Marketing 2017 01 17

Hello and Happy Tuesday!

This week in Internet marketing, we’ve gathered some of the best and most helpful articles from across the web. We’re looking at tips for writing great headlines, as well as how to improve page authority, and technical SEO site fixes. We’re also looking at the do's and don'ts of link building, as well as social media trends for 2017.

How to Give Your Content Wings: We Analyzed 11,541 Viral Articles from 2016 to Uncover the Secret Formula


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Creating engaging blog topics and titles can be challenging, but this article outlines some of the key tactics used by top-performing content-creators to boost engagement, social shares and more. Include a number in your title to offer a sense of certainty to the user, which will encourage them to click, read and share your content. Adding the phrase "this is what" to your title will also create feelings of certainty and help establish your business or brand as an authority figure on your chosen topic. While long-form content improves your ranking, short content will drive more social shares. Lastly, writing "how to" articles and asking a question in your headline remain effective strategies.

3 Practical Steps to Increase Your Page Authority

Increase website page authority

Tracking page authority will provide insights into the successes and errors of your digital marketing strategy. Comparing low authority pages with high authority pages can help you pinpoint problem areas and address them. Quality and quantity of backlinks, as well as trustworthiness and social engagement are all factors which determine page authority. Using the strategies outlined in this article, you can boost your page authority. Regularly post high quality, relevant content to grow your number of backlinks and increase social shares. Your content should be interesting, up to date, useful and readable. Google values high quality, external links, and earning these will improve your ranking and drive traffic. You can also earn external links through guest blogging, for example. Lastly, using images can improve your SEO, increase shares and make your content easier to read.

How to Find and Fix 14 Technical SEO Problems That Can Be Damaging Your Site Now


A few simple fixes can create dramatic improvements to your website and overall SEO. This article highlights some of the most common technical issues you might encounter on your website. Perform a quick Google search of your website domain to see how many of your website’s pages are being indexed. You can then check subdomains or old versions of your site to identify spam or indexing issues. Look out for a “/” in your site’s robot.txt file, and ensure NOINDEX has been removed from your site’s code. Avoid placing important text on images as Google can’t extract this text for search, and use 301 redirects to recover broken backlinks after a site migration. Migrate from HTTP to HTTPS, use 301 and 302 redirects correctly, and avoid meta refreshes. Lastly, creating an XML sitemap, improving your site speed, and building a strong internal link structure will improve the quality of your site and SEO strategy.

Link Building: 9 Do's and 5 Don'ts We Saw In 2016

Link building Tips for SEO

Links are a crucial part of your website’s ranking ability. However, in order to be successful in link building, you’ll need to adopt some of the best practices. Earn links “naturally” by producing valuable, focused content using your targeted keywords. Reach out to bloggers and websites in your niche to gain links, and adopt some “self linking strategies” by linking to your content through blog comments, for example. Gain links from highly authoritative websites, and ensure that you're working to drive relevant traffic to your site that is more likely to convert. If you are B2B company, use testimonials and reviews to gain backlinks from current clients. Lastly, creating and maintaining a blog is crucial to your link building strategy, and creating newsworthy content can help you to generate links.

7 Trends That Will Change Social Media in 2017

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Before implementing your 2017 social media strategy, it’s important to analyze some of the biggest trends of 2016. Live video content is expected to become even more popular in 2017, and messaging apps will allow brands and businesses to communicate more directly with customers. Virtual reality is also expected to grow in 2017 due to it’s ability to create an immersive experience for the user on social media. Disappearing, visual content – like those found on Snapchat and Instagram – are going to help businesses showcase their brand personality and offer additional benefits and features to the user. Lastly, mobile advertising for Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram will continue to grow.

Check out these additional articles for more Internet marketing news!

Comment Marketing: How to Earn Benefits from Community Participation

How to Use Pinterest to Supercharge Your Social Media Presence

5 Ways Your Brand Can Engage With A Gen Z Audience


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