Interview with Jayson Demers, CEO of Email Analytics

Interview with Jayson Demers, CEO of Email Analytics

Hello TechWyse blog readers!

Our interview series is back and we're starting off the series with some familiar faces. Jayson DeMers is successful everywhere he goes and has been a welcome site with lots of engagement with his content.

Jayson is the CEO of Email Analytics and you can check out his podcast, The Entrepreneur Cast right here.

Now, onto the interview:

1. Since you last spoke with TechWyse, you’ve gone from content marketing to email optimization. What’s been the biggest shift from the two subgenres of Digital Marketing for yourself?

Well, EmailAnalytics isn’t really a tool used for digital marketing. It’s more of a sales and customer service productivity app. So my shift has been almost completely away from digital marketing and into a new genre. However, I still do all the digital marketing for EmailAnalytics, so my heart is still in the marketing world! It’s been a lot of fun marketing a brand-new startup and carving out a niche in the space using what I learned working at the agency.

2. How has the landscape of email communication evolved since we last spoke, and what role has played in shaping this evolution?

Email has become a differentiator. Specifically, the faster you reply to an email, the better impression it makes on the recipient. This is one of the best ways to differentiate your business from competitors. In fact, studies have shown that 50% of all sales go to the vendor that responds first, and customers rank the response time as the #1 factor in customer satisfaction. Response time matters!

EmailAnalytics is designed for sales and customer service teams specifically, though we have many customers outside those departments (including entire companies!) using the platform.

In a nutshell, it enables customers to visualize their teams’ email activity and measure and improve email response time. Our customers say it’s like removing the blindfold.

Every organization that’s using email to communicate with leads/vendors/customers is sitting on a goldmine of data. We simply visualize that data so that our customers can make informed, data-driven decisions.

Our customers improve response time because that which gets measured gets improved. It's human psychology, and it's known as the Hawthorne effect. When we know we are being measured against a KPI, we naturally improve our performance against that KPI.

Our customers see an average of a 42.5% improvement in email response time within the first 2 weeks–more than an hour faster per email.

So EmailAnalytics has given businesses a way to remove the blindfold, access a new goldmine of data they’ve been sitting on, and use it to make better decisions and drive improvement in customer and sales-facing communications.

3. Email overload is a common challenge faced by professionals today. How has helped employees and teams in managing their email productivity?

Well, you can’t start solving a problem until you realize you have one. If your reps are feeling burned out, as a manager, you can use EmailAnalytics to visualize their inbound/outbound email activity and see for yourself whether email is a factor in that burnout. It’s a dead-simple way to compare email workloads across your reps and see who is handling the most and least emails per day.

Knowing is half the battle, and EmailAnalytics lets you know.

4. Remote Work has obviously changed the 9-5 mentality. How has helped employers in managing people abroad?

The main challenge with remote work is accountability. EmailAnalytics gives accountability by removing the blindfold from managers on their reps’ email activity. 50% of the average professional’s workday is spent on email, yet the vast majority of managers have absolutely no idea what their reps’ inboxes and email activity look like. Why not? Data-driven organizations are leveraging information from EmailAnalytics for accountability.

5. Can you share some interesting trends or patterns that you've observed in email behaviour over the past 3-5 years?

We actually publish a monthly email productivity benchmark report which contains some really interesting historical trends. Holiday months see increases in email response time, along with summer months. Over the last two years, the average number of emails received and sent has actually remained about the same, which is interesting because it shows that the “return to the office” impact post-COVID didn’t show up in average email activity.

It also puts to rest the silly narrative that “email is dead” because of the rise of Slack and other business chat apps. Email is showing zero signs of decline; it has a unique and essential place in business communication.

5. Looking ahead, what exciting developments or new features can users expect from in the near future, and how do these advancements aim to further enhance the email experience for individuals and teams?

We’re working on exciting new features all the time. Coming soon is real-time alerts, a module right within Gmail and Outlook which will notify reps which emails should be prioritized first based on response time goals. We want our customers to be able to set response time goals and prevent SLA breaches, and the real-time alerts module will do just that.

Artificial intelligence is a technology we’re looking at integrating into EmailAnalytics as well via sentiment analysis and automatic response writing. Email has so much untapped potential; we’re very excited about changing the way everyone thinks about email! It’s not just a boring task that we all have to do every day. It can be gamified, made more fun and enjoyable, and tied directly to business success metrics. That’s what we aim to do as we continue improving and iterating on EmailAnalytics.


A big thanks to Jayson for his time and thoughtful answers. Go see how Email Analytics can work for your business and keep an eye out for more interviews later this month!

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