Social Media Marketing in 2024: New Trends and Practices We Should Leave in the Past

Social Media Marketing in 2024: New Trends and Practices We Should Leave in the Past

The year 2023 was a total rollercoaster ride in the world of social media. It kicked off with a bang when Elon Musk acquired Twitter in late 2022 and transformed it into something completely different: X. The Twitterverse was abuzz with anticipation, but the results were met with mixed reviews. To this date, I haven’t heard a single soul call the platform by its new name. 

Instagram had the perfect opportunity to do the funniest thing, and they did: the launch of Threads upset Musk, as we all remember. While the app started strong with around 120 million users within its first week, it is safe to say that it flopped quickly. The daily active user count was down by 82% as of last summer, and users are opening the app less often and spending less time on it, even with Instagram featuring Threads posts on people’s main feeds.

But that isn’t all. Canada made headlines with its plan to prevent Canadian Meta users from accessing news-related posts on Facebook and Instagram before Bill C-18, the Online News Act, comes into effect, citing concerns over data privacy. These events defined the ever-evolving landscape of social media in 2023, but now that we’re past the halfway point in 2024, we’ll unfold six social media trends that are here to stay, what to keep, and what to stop following.

Where We’re at in 2024


1. Long-form Content Is Still Worth the Effort

In this first half of 2024, we’ve seen that the short-form era won’t overshadow long-form content. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok are embracing new, longer formats, such as 10-minute and even 60-minute videos, to compete with platforms like YouTube after they launched Shorts

Surprisingly, YouTube, which was rumoured to be on its way out when TikTok became the next big thing, remains a powerhouse, proving that there's still significant interest and appetite for longer content coming from the users. Businesses should recognize that, in this fast-paced world, there's a space for both quick and in-depth content, depending on the audience and context.

Long-form content offers a unique opportunity to delve deep into topics, tell compelling stories, and engage with the audience on a more profound level. This trend shows that users are still willing to invest more time in content that provides value and depth, even if it’s longer than the 30-second, often overstimulating, content that has surfaced since the pandemic.

If you are in charge of a brand’s social media strategy, creating valuable, informative, and engaging long-form content can help you stand out in the crowded social media landscape, where you can often feel that everything has already been done. Whether it's video reactions, in-depth tutorials, or podcast episodes, long-form content can be a valuable addition to your social media marketing strategy in 2024.

2. User-Generated Content (UGC) is the Way to Go

2024 has leaned further into authenticity and realness on social media. People seek content representing them and their experiences, rather than overly produced and staged posts featuring models or stock images. User-generated content (UGC) will be the key to success, as it allows regular users to showcase products genuinely and is a cost-effective way on social media apps to reach new audiences.

Encouraging your audience to use social media apps for creating content related to your brand can foster long-term relationships and spread digital word-of-mouth. When customers see others using and enjoying your products or services, it builds trust and credibility. Humanizing your brand through storytelling and UGC videos will be crucial in building trust and connecting with your audience.

User-generated video content provides a fresh perspective on your brand and increases engagement and social proof. Consider running UGC campaigns, contests, or simply encouraging your customers to share their experiences with your products or services on social media.

Source: Shutterstock


3. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Experimental Campaigns

Businesses are increasingly exploring the potential of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in their marketing campaigns. These technologies offer immersive experiences that can benefit local businesses wishing to persuade people to come in-store by creating interactive and engaging content about their branches, products, and so many more possibilities! 

AR and VR can bring physical locations to life, offer unique product experiences, and provide customers with exciting opportunities to engage with brands on a deeper level that very few are exploring right now. Don’t waste this opportunity to stand out from your competition.

In 2024, expect to see more creative and innovative uses of AR and VR in social media marketing. For example, furniture stores may allow customers to visualize how a piece of furniture will look in their home using AR, while travel agencies may offer virtual tours of vacation destinations.

By embracing these technologies, brands can create memorable experiences that capture their audience's attention and leave a lasting impression. As AR and VR become more accessible, integrating them into your social media marketing strategy can set your brand apart from the competition. If you believe this could suit your business and capabilities, don’t wait until everyone is doing it to try it! 

What We, As a Society, Should Put to Rest


1. Annoying and Invasive Ads

It's time to say goodbye to disruptive ads that annoy and alienate users. Subtle and personalized ads that align with the content users are already engaged with are the way forward. Think of Native Advertising or how influencers integrate sponsors into their content by clearly indicating that an ad is coming or by creating inspirational content that seamlessly fits the brand they're partnering with. Authenticity and natural-feeling ads created by actual human beings are leading the way.

In 2024, consumers have grown tired of intrusive advertising interrupting their online experiences. Instead, they appreciate ads that provide value, entertainment, or useful information. Marketers should focus on creating ads that enhance the user experience and align with the interests of their target audience.

Personalization will continue to be key in the world of advertising. Utilizing data-driven insights to deliver tailored ads to specific demographics and interests will result in higher engagement and conversion rates. Additionally, transparency in advertising practices and clear disclosure of sponsored content will continue to be important to maintain consumer trust.

2. Having a Social Media Presence EVERYWHERE

The days of maintaining a social media presence on every social media app are over. It's essential to make data-driven decisions based on demographics and engagement metrics. Choose the platforms where your audience is most active and tailor your content accordingly. Copy-pasting content without any tweaks across multiple platforms is outdated and counterproductive. Focusing on a select few platforms and delivering high-quality, targeted content will lead you to harvest better results.

In 2024, the social media landscape remains diverse, with platforms catering to different demographics and interests. Marketers should conduct thorough research to identify the platforms that align with their brand and target audience. Quality over quantity is the new mantra in social media marketing. Concentrate your efforts and resources on platforms where you can truly engage with your audience and deliver content that resonates.

Consistency is key once you have selected your social media apps: regular posting, engagement with followers, and staying updated with platform-specific trends and features will help maintain a strong social media presence. If you need help with boosting your social media profile, our social media experts can help you every step of the way.

Source: Shutterstock


3. 100% AI-Generated Content

While AI tools can assist in content creation, relying solely on them can be detrimental. Businesses can’t eliminate human elements like copywriters, content creators, writers, and editors; this would cause their content to lose authenticity and relevance. Users can tell when content lacks a human touch, which can lead them to disengage, lose interest, and even start having negative perceptions of your brand. AI should complement, not replace, human creativity and expertise.

In 2024, Artificial Intelligence will continue to play a valuable role in automating certain aspects of content creation, such as data analysis, content distribution, and other general tasks that don’t require that extra touch of human realness. However, relying entirely on AI for content creation can result in soulless content that fails to connect with the audience you are looking to hook.

Human creativity brings a unique and authentic perspective to content. Lean into that! Add personality, emotion, and a deeper understanding of human experiences to your social media strategies. Strike a balance between AI and human resources to create content that resonates with your audience.


In 2024, the success of social media marketing lies in embracing authenticity and human connection. In this modern age, where so many tools and inventions can lead people to require less and less human interaction every time, people seek genuine interactions in an increasingly digital world, and brands that provide this will thrive. 

Businesses and marketers must adapt to these evolving trends and leave behind underperforming practices. By focusing on long-form content, user-generated content, and the creative use of AR and VR, you can stay at the forefront of social media marketing. 

Additionally, respecting and prioritizing user experience by avoiding annoying ads, selecting the right platforms, and blending AI with human capabilities will help you build trust, engage your audience, and thrive in the dynamic world of social media.


If navigating these new trends feels overwhelming, consider leaving your social media strategy in the hands of our social media experts at TechWyse. We stay on top of the latest trends and have a dedicated team ready to elevate your social media game in 2024 and beyond! To collaborate with our talented social media experts, call 866-208-3095 or contact us here.

It's a competitive market. Contact us to learn how you can stand out from the crowd.

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    In 2024, embracing AI-driven personalization and short-form video content is essential for staying relevant in social media marketing. However, it’s time to leave behind overly automated interactions that lack a human touch, as authentic engagement continues to be key.

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