9 Techniques of Landing Page Optimization That Can Skyrocket Your Conversion Rate


At a time when online presence is of paramount importance for businesses, digital marketing efforts need to be equally effective to attract more customers. This is where landing pages come into the picture that can successfully target your audience and generate leads. In other words, landing pages are an indispensable tool to push your customers toward conversion.
If you are witnessing less traffic and lower sales, high quality and engaging landing pages can be game-changing for your business. Landing pages are a powerful weapon in your marketing arsenal as you can share them in social media, use as a dedicated email sends, and create as lead nurturing campaigns.

Now the key question is: how to craft a high converting landing page? Creating an effective page goes beyond just designing something that looks beautiful. There are a number of components that need to be factored in, which we will discuss through the passage.

Here is how you can optimize your landing page to achieve a conversion rate:

Create a Catchy Headline

The first thing your visitors notice on your landing page is its heading, which is why you have to make the first great impression. So you have just a few seconds to make that impact. As a psychological fact, 8 out of 10 visitors read your headline copy, while only 2 tend to read the rest. A killer headline has the ability to keep your audience hooked; it imparts a sense that you are going to deliver a value. They fully convince your audience to read and respond to your copy. You need to put something in your title that excites the reader, while summing up your proposition at the same time. But the pertinent question is – how to create a compelling headline? Although, different landing pages have different target audience, different products to offer, and different niches to address. But there are certain characteristics all great headlines share. They are:

  • Clarity: To begin with, clarity of your headline is the key to increase conversions and generate sales. It should be vague and ambiguous. Don’t beat around the bush with metaphors. Being straightforward and to-the-point will help you connect better with your readers.
  • Usefulness: From whichever way a visitor has landed on your landing page, he is here to see something relevant and useful. If the headline doesn’t provide the value of their time, you’ll see them bounce.
  • Empathy: All great headlines empathize with the visitor’s problem. Does it promise to address it?

The following landing page is a good example of having a catchy headline:

webdam landingpage

Highlight Benefits of Your Offers

While talking about your unique offer, make sure you highlight its benefits, rather than just describe it aimlessly. People love benefits as everyone thinks “what’s in it for me?” just think about the features that make your product or service attractive to customers. Your audience is generally only interested in product features that translate into benefits. For example, if your business is to make office chairs, describe its features in terms of adjustability, support, durability, and ergonomics.

crikey landingpage

You can be a little bit creative while highlighting the benefits by personalizing your message, which can convince them how your product or service fits into their lives. It is also important how you show these benefits. Many high converting landing pages use bullet points. Furthermore, benefits should be clearly focused on the user, don’t drift away. Most importantly, your page should not be a statement about your company; rather, you have to convince your audience that it’s only you who can give benefits they seek.

Clear and Organized Design

The look, feel, and overall design of your landing page will have a huge impact on your visitors. The primary goal of your landing page is to make your audience convert, which is why all the elements of your page should work towards the conversion objective. A great landing page design smartly uses colors and eye-grabbing images. For example, red and green colored buttons increase the chances of conversions. Including attractive pictures can make your visitors stay on the page for a while; however, your landing page should not look like graffiti of texts and images. It should be kept as clean and simple as possible, so don’t overwhelm your visitors with unnecessary information. If you want to code and design a landing page from the scratch all by yourself, it can be a bit tedious. Fortunately, Django and Node.JS can be highly useful tools for you to create a page according to your requirements. It will take a few steps to build your page.Django developers can help you with this.

The following design of Uber landing page says it all:


Another important element of your design is a logical flow of the text. While designing your page, just keep in mind that the design elements should be arranged logically. If you make your landing page logical and compelling, your visitors will read the content and follow the thought process. This is one of the most obvious and persuasive methods of structuring a landing page.

Talk About the Pain Points

Talking about pain points of your consumers will definitely draw their attention. The rationale is pretty simple, if you elicit the feeling of pain in your audience, they will naturally tend to seek relief from that pain. That is when they will be more likely to convert, so identifying their pain in the first place is crucial to structure your conversion pitch. A pain point is what your prospect, client, or customer worries about on a daily basis. The better you can solve or eliminate their pain, the more trustworthy you will become for them, and hence, more conversions.

totalretails landingpage

It is true the uniqueness of a product or service can set it apart from the competition, but if it doesn’t solve their problem or meet their needs, your pitch is not going to cut it. So your product and service offerings have to deliver solutions and satisfy needs, or they won’t make a cut. You should also consider what your users will lose, not just what they will gain. Loss aversion theory suggests that people are more likely to anticipate the pain of losing something than to feel the pleasure of gaining something of equal value.

Make it Mobile Responsive

With a massive growth of smartphones and tablets, more and more people are using them for online shopping purposes. Usually, the landing page Traffic come from marketing campaigns, e-mail campaigns, and PPC. You also know that social media marketing campaigns and emails are being viewed more on mobile devices. Thus it is clear that a significant portion of people coming to your landing page is through smartphones and tablets. Therefore, a mobile responsive landing page is the need of the hour.

omobile landingpage

Your page should be completely optimized for mobile devices – it should be easy to navigate, fast loading, and ultra-clickable. The responsive design increases conversions by providing a seamless, optimal user experience that users appreciate. Also, responsive design is Google’s recommended design pattern. That means if your landing pages are not mobile friendly, they will not rank on search engine results. Responsive design makes it much easier for a mobile visitor to experience your site. It’s not just nice to have, but it’s a must from the perspective of SEO. To not have a mobile responsive landing page can, unfortunately, cause you lose out entirely on a fast-growing target market.

Use Powerful CTAs

CTA (call-to-action) is one of the most important components of your landing page. CTAs can make a huge difference in success and failure in terms of conversion rate. While it is important to create a good heading and list the product benefits, but the next and deciding step is to encourage your visitors to take an action. Successful CTAs lead to conversions, which ultimately increase your ROI (sales). They are an important tool for guiding your visitors through the buying journey. Maybe some people want to do business with you, and if they don’t see a clear marker on your page, you will miss the boat. That is why CTAs provide an explicit sign to take the necessary step. By clicking on the CTA and filling out the given form, the user has now transitioned from a prospective customer to a lead. It is important to know there are certain rules that make CTAs as effective as they ought to be. They are:

  • Location is the key: It is extremely crucial where you are placing the CTAs. Factor in the buyer personal you are trying to reach. Also, you can try multiple locations. The more CTAs on a page, the more chances the user will convert.
  • Make them prominent: Make your CTAs stand out so they receive maximum attention and visual focus.
  • Short and action-oriented: Use a concise phrase with an action verb.
  • Easy to see: This is where colour contrast matters.


Optimize for Speed

You spent a significant amount of time creating an awesome landing page with perfect images and content. But if it takes too much time to load, all of your efforts will bite the dust. It is essential your landing page loads within a few seconds. In fact, 40% of visitors expect a page to fully load in two seconds or less. The loading time includes opening up of images, copy, product info, buttons... like everything. It is not just the conversion rate that is taking a hit, greater load times can also drop the chances of your site being found in search results. Site speed is one of Google’s ranking factors, and is only becoming more important as they shift towards a mobile-first index. Therefore, optimizing the speed should be one of your top priorities when building a landing page. In order to check how long it takes for your landing page to load, you can use tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights.

If you are experiencing slow speed, here are a few simple tips to speed up your page loading time:

  • Resize or crop the images to the right side, or you can use a responsive image solution.
  • Wherever possible, use system fonts instead of fancy, custom fonts.
  • Streamline the number of elements of your page.

Use Videos

A short and engaging explainer video on your landing page can be a powerful conversion tool. You can use it as a brand awareness campaign, a pitching resource, or a way to increase clicks. An explainer video can get you a huge number of customers, but you should use it properly. For starters, your video should introduce your business and provide details on how your product or service can solve your audience’s concerns. It’s a quick way to make an impact on your audience; and as a result, they are more likely to come into your conversion funnel.
The following Landing page of Urip beautifully sums up its value proposition with an attached explainer video:

urip landingpage template

Here is how your video should have:

  • Try to excite an emotion on your audience. That’s the secret to make it viral.
  • It should spread awareness about whatever you are trying to project.
  • Add fun so more people would like to see them.
  • Your video should end with a simple, straightforward call to action.

Establish Trust 

Trust signals can be a powerful marketing strategy in terms of conversion. Before your clients or customers start doing business with you, they have to trust you, right? It is seen that great landing pages make ample use of trust signals, which effectively indicate your visitors that your brand is trustworthy. Trust is what allows a customer to go from visitor to buyer. There are many ways to feature trust signals on your landing page:

  • Twitter cards: Many people use Twitter to show their affection for products they enjoy using. So include their tweets on your landing page.
  • Trust badges: These are the logos of well-known brands you have worked with in the past.
  • Awards and recognition: They serve as endorsements of your trustworthiness.
  • Authority figures: If a well-known personality in your niche is using your product or service, use it!
  • Case study: A case study shows exactly how one of your customers is using your product. As a result, your visitor might relate to the problem to the case study.
  • Reviews: Reviews are when customers discuss their experience with and/or satisfaction with your product or service.
  • Testimonials: These usually come from customers, colleagues, or peers who have benefitted from or experienced success by doing business with you.

freshdesk landingpage design


Call 866.288.6046 to speak to a digital marking expert at TechWyse, or contact us here to learn more about how to optimize your landing page to see more conversion.

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